Hey! You’re invited to a book launch party! THE NEW BOOKS HAVE ARRIVED, the U.S. pre-orders have all been shipped, and now it’s time to party (details at the end of this article). Packing book…
A Movement Retreat For Writers
Retreats are different from vacations, where you’re looking to just get away. They are time set aside from the regular grind and dedicated to practicing something—like meditation—that you don’t often have the time to focus…
Stay Moving on the Sidelines
If you’ve got soccer games to attend, instead of sitting or standing in place for 90 minutes, here are 5 things you can do to increase the movement density of your time spent on the…
Book Excerpt: My Perfect Movement Plan Workbook
I am very excited to announce the pre-sale of my newest book, My Perfect Movement Plan: The Move Your DNA All Day Workbook. A movement diet is the total movement that makes up your day…
The Ins, Outs, Ups and Downs of Breast Movement
Katy Bowman and Jill Miller led a live (recording available, see details at end of article) online masterclass, all about breast and chest movement. Breast discomfort and pain show up again and again in the…
Low-Tech, Movement-Rich TOYish Gift Ideas for Kids, Teens and Adults
I’ve put out gift-giving ideas for keeping kids and adults moving in various articles and newsletters throughout the years—here they are, all together in one big, helpful, inspiring list. P.S. Personally, I’m a low-consumer and…
Exercise Advent Calendar 2023: Hands Down The Best Exercise Advent Ever
I love movement and I love celebrating, thus I always strive to create movement-rich celebrations. For years, I’ve done a movement advent calendar at the end of the year as a thank you to my…
Back To School: Track Their Activities
Whether you can’t wait to get them out of the house or you dread the morning scramble, it’s back to school time again. Unfortunately, “back to school” often translates to “back to sitting” but it…
How To Move Well While Traveling
Despite our best intentions with keeping a routine, life comes up. Traveling for pleasure can derail your movement habits and traveling for sad events, like funerals, can come with added stress. Body care for me…
Book Excerpt: Rethink Your Position
I am very excited to announce I have a new book, Rethink Your Position: Reshape Your Exercise, Yoga and Everyday Movement, One Part at a Time. As our sedentary culture progresses toward even less movement,…
Get Stronger Doing Half of an Exercise
What if I told you that you could get stronger by only doing half of an exercise? As usual the devil is in the details. In this case, I’m talking about eccentric contractions. Muscles get…
Focus Your Movement Resolution
I’m a fan of making regular resolutions that address areas of my life where I’d like to see change, and I’m also a fan of being specific and methodical. My resolutions (and you can read…