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Staff Favorites
Cardio and Natural Movement
Episode 42
Katy defines what we’re talking about when we refer to “cardio,” and then finds it a place in the bigger picture of natural human movement.
The Skinny on Fat
Episode 44
We discuss fat tissue and the roles it plays in our bodies, including how it responds to input—just like everything else in our body.
Food Forces
Episode 47
Ever thought about the mechanical nutrients in your diet? This episode is food for thought and explains how food forces play a role in our body.
Your Environment Moves You
Episode 99
Guest Dr. Ihi Heke discusses his indigenous approach to movement, including his Maori framework: our relationship with birthplace and where we live has implications for our health.
Where to Listen
Listen to Katy on Other Shows
Katy is regularly featured on podcasts and radio shows of all types. You can find all her audio-based guest appearances here; below are four favorites.