Today, I’m giving you a challenge: Stop lifting your chin.
Somewhere along the lines of your life, you started lifting up your chin. This habit starts for any number of reasons, including:
You were told lifting the chin was good posture.
You wanted to smooth out the chin(s).
You wear bifocals.
You watched too many Italian Mobster movies and developed a knack for rude, Italian hand gestures
Find more of these in the book Rude Hand Gestures of the World.
No, really. Check this book out. And, I'll bet that the world can be broken down into two categories -- one that will buy the book to make sure they never make an inadvertent, rude gesture, and the other that will buy the book so that they can make sure they are able to "keep up with foreign relations."
"You, know, giving him the finger?"
"Yes, I know the finger, Goose."
Name that movie, be my new BFF.
So, no matter why you started doing lifting the chin, you’re going to stop.
Right now, actually. Just let the chin drop, allowing the muscles that run between the skull and the first and second vertebrae -- the suboccipital muscles -- to return to their appropriate length.
And, apologize to the disks in your neck. You didn’t mean to harm them for the sake of vanity. Or communication.
P.S. Don’t worry about the double chin. We’ll call that a good start. Let me know when you’ve got the “*highly coveted fourth chin.” That’s what impresses us over here at Alignment Central. And, not to worry, the way you take care of that "chin issue" is by not hiding it with the chin lift, but by fixing it with the chin drop.
You can also watch (and follow) this exercise video to help the back of your neck relax. For best results, couple the stretch (Head Hang) with your new, chin-dropping habit!
Spread the word with your chin-lifting friends!
Try these clever decals for frequent reminders—for you and your friends—to ramp.
*The highly coveted fourth chin was once believed to be extinct, until a rare but documented sighting by master alignment teacher, Tim Harris.