1. You just bought a new ($37.00) bottle of O.P.I. nail polish called: “I just may quit my job” 2. You can tell from your tan lines what shoes you were wearing yesterday. 3. The…
A Baby Story and Giveaway Results!
Sorry to be gone for so long, peeps. I was busy, you know, having a baby. I am clearly not one of those bloggers who can post while in labor and take pictures of my…
15 Blogs in 60 Minutes
In my head-cold haze last week, I developed some sort of writer’s block. In an attempt to get the juices flowing, I asked on the Aligned and Well Facebook page for blog topics of burning…
When push comes to shove…
Last week we talked about pushing out the pelvic organs. Not the best thing. Today we talk pushing out a baby. Much better thing. I’m going to attempt to explain the physics of vaginal delivery…
Alignment…At the EMMYS!
As you may know, I was so fortunate to attend a pre-Emmy celebrity-gift-lounge event two weeks ago. I didn’t know what to wear. I didn’t know what to expect. I didn’t know whom to expect,…