Today's blog post was going to be a spectacular written piece. But then the Huz and I decided to take our kids over to Canada (Vancouver Island) for the day. On foot. In arms. For ten hours. P.S. My arms no longer straighten and my hands are unable to write much. The good news for you -- you get a video blog.
This is our family photo, coming back over on the ferry. We're all asleep in this picture, only some of us have our eyes open.
Over the weekend I reposted an article on the shoulder girdle that included a tension/range-of-motion "test." To keep with the shoulder theme, I am posting an "outtake" from an online series I filmed early this year. Here I demonstrate how rotations can create what appear to be linear displacements in the body. When you evaluate the body in two-dimensions therapeutic conclusions can be off. The following contains how the standard "pull your shoulders down your back" is really a 2-D correction for a 3-D problem. But why type a bunch of words when I could cut and paste a video instead?
Good night.