Have I mention that there are only two more days of 2011? I wonder how many more blog posts I can jam into this year. Did I also mention that 2012 is going to be The Year? Underline the The and pronounce it thee.
I did an interview last month for a radio show 30 Minutes of Wisdom. I talked about alignment blah blah blah wonderful life blah blah it’s that important (italicize that). You can listen to it here (click), if you’re interested.
As I wrote about last month, writing stuff down, especially goals, is hugely important. I don’t know why. There is just something very different about writing it -- making the words concrete -- as opposed to carrying it around between your ears. That’s why I was über (OH YEAH!) excited to get some year-in-review questions sent to me by the hosts of the program.
I suggest you, and maybe even your entire family, go through these questions as a New Year's Eve event. Almost as good as artichoke dip, but without all the sodium. I enjoyed doing mine as it helped focus on the fact that this past year, I've done some amazing things with my health. I haven't been sitting around doing loads of laundry, although many days that's all I've accomplished. I bet you discover a little bit of your own greatness too. I’m sure you can answer these in general terms (find a downloadable .pdf on their website -- click) but I am adding the word "health" to each question because that’s what this blog is about.
Evaluate your health in 2011: Define health as that state of feeling happy in all aspects of yourself -- in the body, in the mind, and in the soul, and being pain, disease, and medication free. I’m going to post my answers because, if writing them down causes improvement, who knows what writing them out in a blog post can do!
Completing & Remembering (Your Health in) 2011
1. What was your biggest (health) triumph in 2011?
Delivering my baby naturally, at home was a physical feat unlike no other.
2. What was the smartest (health) decision you made in 2011?
Moving out of urban California and into a smaller, more quiet place where I could live mo bettah.
3. What one word best sums up and describes your 2011 (health) experience?
Maintenance. I wouldn’t say I made any leaps or bounds in terms of health this year, but I spent all of my time learning to deal with being a new mom and still finding time in 5-minute increments to work on stretching my hips, strengthening my shoulder girdle, etc.
4. What was the greatest lesson (about health) you learned in 2011? I think I just learned it last week, watching my son trying to crawl/climb up a box without putting down a wooden spoon he just found. He fell and was frustrated. I actually said aloud, “you can’t do it all -- you’re going to have to put something down.” And then I was like, Ah $h!t. I get it. Time to put something down, Katy Ann. Not the blog though. I picked "showering daily" instead.
5. What was the most loving service that you performed in 2011? Probably this blog. I love my family and do everything I can for them, but every post, email answered, and comment read is how I show my love for my human counterpart. To love is to serve. I have information that can help many. I make my living out of it as well, but will always (always) spend the bulk of my time offering free service.
6. What is your biggest piece of “unfinished (health) business” in 2011? Scar tissue -- just a tiny bit (see number 10). I’ve been working on it, but it looks like it’s going to take some of 2012 to heal.
7. What (about your health) are you most happy about completing in 2011? I wrote a FREAKING BOOK, dude. It totally helps my brain to have it down on paper, where I can just say, You Want To Understand More? Get the book.
8. Who were the three people with the greatest impact on your (health) life in 2011? Not counting my husband, who takes the best care of me, I'd say my midwife, my favorite body workers (Anna, Cindy, Jenna, Tim), and my baby in utero, because I didn’t realize that I could stop coffee, take 2 naps a day, work less, and feel joyful. But I could, and I did, and it was good!
That was seven people. I have a problem with limits.
9. What is the biggest (health) risk you took in 2011?
Probably driving from CA to WA. I thought my hamstrings were going to revolt and beat the crap out of me. Next time, I’ll walk, thanks.
10. What was your biggest (health) surprise in 2011?
That as healthy and prepared as I was, I still had a freak complication following my delivery, which almost killed me. And that, coming back out of it took diligent work, but that I got my body back 110%, and in only about four months.
I'm not just the president, I'm also a customer!
(Me, after surgery. This is what your face looks like when you lose 1/2 your blood. I don't even have freckles most of the time!)
11. What important (health) relationship improved most in 2011? Food, food, food! Before we moved, we shopped only at farmer’s markets and Trader Joe's, thinking that we were doing awesome. THEN we moved to a place that has only some giant grocers (ick), or lots of fresh produce. Now all three meals a day are made from scratch and are mostly plant-based.
12. What compliment would you have liked to received but didn’t? “Hey Katy, nice outfit!”
13. What compliment would you have liked to have given but didn’t? I didn’t get to tell the surgeon who saved my life, “Hey, thanks for saving my life.” I know my hub wrote him a letter, but really, I should have found his address, knocked on his door, laid down without any pants on and my feet on either side of his front door and said, “Hey, do you remember me? Thank you for saving my life” because he might not recognize me otherwise.
14. What else do you need to do or say to be complete with 2011?
Dear 2011,
Where are all of my socks? I started this year with 9 full sets. Now I'm down to 4 singles? What's up with that?
Creating (Health in) 2012
1. What would you like to be your biggest (health) triumph in 2012? I would like to figure out my fatigue a bit more. There are still areas that I can reduce my physiological tax. I was off of caffeine, but that cup a day has crept back in.
2. What (health) advice would you like to give yourself in 2012?
Dear Katy,
You're taking on too many projects. Or, you need to not be overwhelmed by them. Do what you can do. Look at what is truly important to you and let the others go. Make sure that ANY project you take on supports your greater interest in well-being. If a project causes you stress, it's working against your internal desire to be stress-free. Let it go.
Oh, and take a nap at least once a week. The only one keeping you from doing that is you. I promise, nothing great is going on during that one hour anyways.
3. What major effort are you planning to improve your health results in 2012? My indoor monkey bars are awesome. Now I'd really like a small climbing wall to install itself in my garage or something. Please.
4. What would you be most happy about completing in 2012? I would like to complete a Pelvic Health book, and then spend 90 days following the program to a “T.”
5. What major (health) indulgence are you willing to experience in 2012?
Dear Universe,
I would like to indulge in a few weeks on a Greek island, hiking, eating, swimming, and wearing a toga. I will even teach others alignment while I'm there, if they’d like to come with me.
Thank you for your consideration,
6. What would you most like to change about your health in 2012? I would like more structured alignment time. I live alignment, but there is NOTHING like setting aside an hour a day for quite practice. I’ve lost that in the last year. I will get that back! (I just typed “I’d like to get that back,” which sounded a bit like a cop out, so I rewrote it...)
7. What are you looking forward to learning (about health) in 2012? I am most interested in practicing my Vipassana meditation more, and working towards non-attachment. I’m good on *stuff*, not so good at allowing others to choose to be disappointed. Reading the Upanishads and a book on Jesus Christ now, hoping to learn more.
8. What do you think your biggest (health) risk will be in 2012? We are planning a huge effort in Australia, to bring our programs there. I want it to be something I can do while not over-stressing to get it done. I’d like it to happen naturally and smoothly! Go with the flow...
9. What about are you(r health) are you most committed to changing and improving in 2012?
Upper Body Strength, baby.
10. What is one as yet undeveloped talent you are willing to explore in 2012? Letting others help me. I have no knack for it, yet it’s getting to be quite necessary!
11. What brings you joy and health and how are you going to have more of that in 2012? Walking, cooking, taking baths, stretching -- these all make me healthier than when I’m not doing them. And, all I have to do is do them. No fancy plan needed!
12. Who or what, other than yourself, are you most committed to loving and serving in 2012? Everyone interested in alignment science!
13. What one word would you like to have as your (health) theme in 2012?
Now it's your turn. Just go for it! Post one of your answers here to inspire others or get some cheers and praise for your general awesomeness!
{Questions Compliments of Robin Blanc Mascari. Please feel free to share! She loves hearing how these are used and what happens. rbmascari@mac.com www.enlightenednetworking.com}
(Next post will be back to birthing science!)