It’s been five years since the book Dynamic Aging was published and Katy thought that we should celebrate by getting in touch with her co-authors to see if (or how) movement was still playing a role in these women’s lives as they move toward their mid-80s. Katy sent all four of them some questions, and this episode contains what they had to say. Enjoy.
(time codes are approximate)
04:15:00 - If you could sum up the last 5 years of moving experience, what stands out? What is your most meaningful movement achievement? Aka: Best Movement Memory (Jump to section)
11:25:00 - In the past 5 years, since the book was released, have you changed anything about your movement routine? (Jump to section)
16:30:00 - If you were revamping the book today, is there something new you’d want to include? Is there a new story? Any exercises you do daily that aren’t in the book? (Jump to section)
22:35:00 - How has your perspective on aging and movement changed since writing the book (and “goldening”) five more years! (Jump to section)
28:15:00 - What is next for you? What are your new movement goals and how do you plan to reach them (Jump to section)
32:50:00 - You lived and wrote Dynamic Aging for others, but what’s one book you’ve read that you feel has made a positive impact on your approach to the goldener period of life and the way you live daily. (Jump to section)
36:05:00 - What is your best piece of movement advice for everyone, no matter their age? (Jump to section)
Dynamic Aging podcast from 2017
This is the Move Your DNA podcast, a show where movement science meets your everyday life. I’m Katy Bowman - biomechanist, author, and dynamic ager. All bodies are welcome here. Let’s get moving.
(music fade)
Welcome, everyone. So, there is this quote that goes something like “aging is just another word for living” And I've been thinking about this quote a lot lately. On one hand, we are all accumulating time at the same rate. We all have a chronological age that aligns directly with the time spent alive. On the other hand, we all have a biological age that’s reflected in our cells that is affected by how we live our years. So stress, diet, sleep, and movement habits all impact how fast we go through our cells - which is why it’s possible to have two people with the same chronological age but different biological ages.
Thinking back on that quote, “aging is just another word for living,” does living mean “being alive” or does it mean “lifestyle?” It’s actually a good quote because it’s both, right? The process of aging is affected both by our number of days and how we spend them. Our chronological age is fixed, but our biological age is something we have more control over, and that brings me to Dynamic Aging.
Dynamic Aging is a book of mine I co-wrote with four women that I had had the pleasure of teaching exercise and alignment to for years before we ever thought there would ever be a book about it. We started moving together when they were in their late 60s/early 70s and we wrote the book when they were in their later 70s after they’d been working on our approach to movement for close to a decade.
Dynamic Aging is a book with over 30 moves to practice - it's an exercise book - but it’s also part movement memoir. It includes stories from Joyce, Lora, Shelah, and Joan using movement in their life, many times in broader ways than they were able to do when they were younger. Then the book is rounded with a new perspective still - that “living” doesn’t even actually have to boil down to cell division. Those definitions of living that I was talking about earlier. Living is also the way you engage with activities and other people. This latter understanding of “living” is ultimately the most important to us, I think, and it’s why I wrote Dynamic Aging in the first place. Because most of what we want to do in life uses our body as a tool. And many don’t realize how to maintain the tool of our physicality. But it’s possible, by investing a little time, to maintain your body better not only for longevity’s sake, but so the things you want to do stay available to you, or, in the case of so many I’ve had the pleasure to work with - actually be able to develop into greater capability and experience. Yes, even when it comes to physical challenges, and yes, even when it comes to advancing age.
So it’s been five years since Dynamic Aging was published, so I thought we’d celebrate by getting in touch with my co-authors to see if or how movement was still playing a role in these women’s lives as they move toward their mid-80s. So, I sent them questions, and here’s what they had to say. Enjoy.
JOAN: I think what stands out for me over the past five years is how I've been able to integrate all the things that Katy has taught us so that it actually has become part of my daily life. Just a natural thing to tuck my chin, to get my weight back into my heels, to drop my ribs. And what's amazing about that is that I have less aches and pains. When I first came to Katy I had chronic back pain. And I rarely rarely if ever have back pain. So that's one of the big things. My most meaningful movement achievement I think was when we were talking about the Thomas Fire. We have a 10-acre ranch here on the side of the mountain and after the fire came through, being able to navigate because it took a lot of agility and strength and balance to be able to walk where there were big holes in the ground where trees used to be and their roots were all burned out. And then also jumping over, or climbing under. It was really - I guess that was the plus side to having a fire if there is a plus side. I think the thing that I'm most excited about is - when you ask me my most meaningful movement achievement - I think for me has been, I've actually shifted a bit to a different kind of movement being more about - so as a certified Nutritious Movement, Restorative Exercise Specialist I taught exercises a lot here and I loved it. Absolutely loved training people. Then what I realized was, that I really wanted to change the paradigm of aging, how people look at aging. And so I realized that just giving them the tools, teaching them how to do exercises, was definitely a tool of empowerment, but they needed something more than that. So I became a life coach. And I actually have a business called Coaching Dynamic Aging. And so what I do is I meet with people and say for example they want to take on exercise. I have a client right now who came to me because she wanted to exercise but she just couldn't motivate herself. And so what's helpful is now I can say "ok, so why do you want to exercise? What will that get you? And what's the difference that you think that will make in your life?" And when she's able to identify, "oh it will give me better health." or "it will make me feel younger," "It will make me ... it will give me all of this..." and then on the days when she's not motivated to get up out of bed and go to the gym or sign in online, she looks back at ok, why, why do I want this? Ok, I remember. This is why. And that's basically what gets her going. So it basically helps people to make changes in their lives by finding out why they want it. That's the movement achievement part for me is that it's another way of moving. It's for people to be able to move by changing. By saying "ok, I want this in my life" and to be able to facilitate that. So yeah.
KATY: Now let's hear from Joyce.
JOYCE: I mean to say the inner one. No surprise to you. Yeah, Joyce, I get that! But in another way, of course, movement is very profound and very subtle as well as growth and simple. But my greatest achievement, I guess I'd call it an achievement, I would call it a blessing, is that I have meta-teachers, Sadhguru. Years ago during Covid when I was on YouTube, and I just realized he was - the things, the way he was talking - was speaking to the deepest part of my core. And I hadn't been moved that way for years. Especially by a living being. I've been moved by many very inspiring, beautiful human beings but not at the level of where they are speaking from so directly to this life on this planet in this cosmos. So that began incredible blessing in my life because I've always wanted to be as aware and conscious as I could be. And I didn't find that an easy path. I was a householder. I was a wife, a mother, a teacher, a blah blah blah blah blah. You know taking my kids there doing that and yes, conscious that that wasn't really the deepest music of life, but it is very connected with life. All of that. All of those roles we play.
KATY: And now it's Shelah's turn
SHELAH: Well my answer is going to be different because I've been in this assisted living facility for a couple or a better part of a year. And moving is a whole different ball game here. I'm probably the person who can move the best in the entire thing. And they make me use a walker because it's for safety's sake. So, I've learned to appreciate that moving is really a good thing. And it's good to do it. And to be able to do it. So...things are a little different for me. Well, I just use my walker, and sometimes I can park it and walk around without it when nobody else is around. I usually have someone with me most of 12 hours a day. My son has decided I need to have a companion. And I really appreciate it because it's someone to talk to. Right now she's left, but, a good part of the time she's here.
KATY: Here's Lora:
LORA: Well I think the movement training that I've done enabled me to do a lot of things that I wouldn't have otherwise done. Just around home I can climb a tree, I can do all my own pruning. But my family goes on a pretty good hike every year in the wilderness areas and I can go on those. And I have never lagged behind their pace and they're obviously my kids and grandkids. They're a little bit younger. Little bit.
JOAN: Well, I would say - so when I came to see Katy originally I was 71. And what I learned was I had hyperkyphosis. So I would say that - so the question again is what I've changed about it is I've actually started doing, every day, a thoracic stretch over the half dome on the floor. And in our book, we have the thoracic stretch, but we have Katy doing it with a chair. And what's cool about getting down and the floor and doing it over the half dome is that I have to get up and down from the floor. So I actually do that exercise every single day and it is amazing. I know I can't reverse the hyperkyphosis, but I can stop it and so over the past 13 years, it has not gotten worse. Which I'm very grateful for. Very grateful to Katy for giving us those tools. It's really a partnership. She gives us the tools but then we have to do it or it doesn't work.
KATY: Now let's hear from Joyce.
JOYCE: Fundamentally I have changed the entire routine, yes. Fundamentally I've kept my framework which is what I remember Katy always teaching. She would say, "you can do one exercise, I don't care what you want to do." She would also use that - the foot stretch - do that one exercise. That will change your life. But I've found for me what was eternal and what will always be is learning the alignment: sitting, standing, and lying down. And it's changed my life. At that point, I was facing surgery. Two knee surgeries. Maybe a neck surgery. And surgery has never come up since I've been practicing Katy's teachings. I'm not the best practitioner. I waffle. But (laughs) and I taught them and people were very grateful to learn them, as I was. And when I finally left the teaching a few years ago, you know, we still connect with each other and talk about the profound influence of her teaching on all of our lives. So the framework for me is her alignment teaching. That's the fundamental strength and gift that I got from Katy. Yeah, I walk. I love walking. I love climbing trees. I love swimming in streams. Jumping into a pool. All of those movements. To me that's life. Yeah? Climbing mountains barefoot. What greater joy is there? So yeah, I mean I don't think Katy would recognize me as her student probably, maybe she would. I wouldn't be her poster child. But she is a fundamental teacher that has brought me to this path I'm on now and I treasure her teachings. And I am so grateful for what she did. So yes, I have changed my movement as it's called movement routine or my life since 5 years.
KATY: And now it's Shelah's turn.
SHELAH: I do the exercises - a version of them every day because we have "an exercise class" here of which I am the only student. Sometimes another lady who has Parkinson's and is severely handicapped. But by and large, I'm the only student. So that's nice. I get a nice private class. It's very- we do it all in the chair. So it's very basic. I'm working on getting physical therapy people again. And that's gonna be better because they do more things than that. A lot of balance exercises, etc. So we'll see. I was in it for my allotted time and then they decided that I have done all I could do. I think it's, I don't know, somehow you can't continue it until the doctor tells you you have to continue it.
KATY: Here's Lora:
LORA: At first I wasn't consciously doing the exercises but now I have things in my kitchen and so forth where I'm raising my toes and stretching the back of my legs all day really. I mean for a while then not for a while, but, it's there and it's part of my life.
JOAN: The new story I would add is one that's going on now. Can you tell I'm excited about it? So my husband, Willis, had a right hip replacement in 2020 when he was 84. And seven months later we went to Hawaii and he seemed to have lost his enthusiasm about life. We are very avid hikers and so I didn't understand what was going on with him. So I said, "what is it that would put some of the zest back in your life." And he said, "you know, I'd really like to go back and hike Vernal and Nevada Falls in Yosemite National Park." And we've done that. We've done them before but it's been a long time and it was before he had his hip replaced. And so I said, "Why?" So this goes back to what I was saying before. Why do you want to do that? Rather than going immediately to "how the heck are we gonna do that you're only seven months post hip surgery" but asking him "Why" and so he said, "well I want to know if I can do it." And he said, "I want to know if physically I have the capacity now with the new hip to do it and at my age." And so that, while we were in Hawaii, we started walking on the beach. And when we first got there he could only walk about a mile. And we left two weeks later and he was walking 5 miles on the beach. So, what we decided to do was we made a declaration which is a promise to ourselves that we were gonna hike Vernal in Nevada in June of this year. And so it is coming upon us. So last May while we were in Hawaii, I started, I have a website, for dynamic aging, and I started a blog post thread where every month I posted about our training program. About our progress. Also about the challenges. The mental challenges that come up, like, "Oh do we have to hike again?" Or we've both had injuries over the past year. We've had a lot of things come up for us that have gotten away ... but it's very fun to track that. Because the blog post, the thread is called: "The Journey of Self Discovery". And it's just been fascinating for us to actually track, month by month where we are, how we're doing, what's happening, are we ready. And so this month we're actually getting ready to do some elevation hikes. We're up to 8 miles so we feel pretty good about that. The falls are a total of seven and a half miles straight up! And so when we go, I'll be 84 and he'll be 86. So we figured you know what? We're gonna be 84 and 86 anyway. So why don't we go ahead and do hikes? So we're very excited about that. That would be the new story. Because going back to the changing the paradigm of aging, I think so many times we're/society says it's ok at a certain age, you're over the hill - whatever that means. But you're over the hill and so now be careful. Be careful of what you do. And I've always loved the story of Roger Bannister who was the first runner to be able to run a mile in under 4 minutes because science believes that the human body wasn't capable of that. And now today people run it in less than that. And so it's discovering for yourself what you're capable of. I think that's what dynamic aging is about.
SHELAH: My story would certainly change because of where I am and when this happened. Anyway, I did break my wrist - I had a seizure and fell and broke my wrist - that's kind of how I got here but I seem to be stuck here now. And it's easier for my son who is the primary, my youngest son, caretaker for me. Perhaps we didn't put enough, from where I am now, we didn't put enough emphasis on sociability and having people around you who are caring. That's pretty important. And yeah. That's probably the only thing I would say. I would also say it's best, it really is important to be kind to yourself - be kind to yourself and be kind about your limitations. I have limitations now and I need to be kind to that. Be kind to others, too, because this place is full of people who have to have somebody who wants to be kind to them. Many of them, they don't see their family at all. So anyway, be kind. That's one of the things I would say. We're social animals and we need to have other people around us, yeah.
LORA: Wow there are exercises I do daily but they don't involve climbing a trail or doing my ... it's all part of the same picture. I'm in my yard and I'm taking care of my yard and I have to climb sometimes and I have to burrow sometimes. Strike that. You ought to cut that because that might scare people away! I turned into a groundhog. I mean, you know, I guess it could happen. But no, no it's all about, I guess having a little more ability in my yard has made me very happy because I can do more things and I can spend more time in the yard, which is a happy place.
JOAN: So my perspective on aging has changed in the respect that I think what I was saying before: the visits of coming at it from curiosity. And I think this is why people begin to get old. It's not aging, we're all aging from the day we're born, but it's getting old. And I think part of what happens for people is they lose their curiosity. We reach a certain age and we think, "yeah, I know all of that, you can't tell me anything I don't already know". It's also something that I have called genuine curiosity which is a little different. It's not curiosity just for gathering information, it's actually the kind of curiosity that says, "why do I want this?" or "what is there that this is... what drives me. What is it I would really like to accomplish in my life?" And then going ahead and doing it to the best of your ability. But keeping that genuine curiosity, I think, is so valuable. It has been for me.
JOYCE: Oh yeah, in these past two years I have just had so much fun realizing how much damn fun aging is. And no one ever told me. It is just a joy. It is a hoot. And you know, your wrinkles, and you can't jump up high anymore and you know, sometimes your joints need some treatments, things like that. But that's not what life is about to me. You know, I could be a paraplegic and I could still say, "Life is an incredible gift." And I think that's what I really pulled together in the last 5 years - what a gift life is. To grow old is that beautiful place where you're so in tune with life and you understand there is no separation. There is no difference - life/death are seamless. And you live so much in joy and in happiness. And you see obstacles as something of a teacher for you, not as something to get frustrated about. So I'd like the whole world to know, dammit, aging is fun. You do whatever you damn like. You know? (laughter) As long as you don't hurt somebody. (laughter) Or yourself. Yeah. And I would never have called these the goldening years, I would just call it aging. It's what it is. And yeah, we can choose to be goldening, that's fine. Other people will choose to be rainbows or whatever. It's our life. Each of us has that life, that gift, to bring it into the fullest blossom and bloom it can go.
SHELAH: Absolutely. Absolutely. For the first couple years, I was fine. I was able to do everything I wanted to do and then I wasn't. And yeah. That's changed my perspective a lot. As I was saying sociability and having people around you is very important. And being kind. Those are the two things I think that are most important for me. Being kind to myself and to others. (laughs) I have people that call me at random times. My neighbor, who I have known for 40 years, and we've lived in the same building, calls me. He's on vacation in Sedona and he decided to call me. I had a call yesterday from a good friend who is in Hawaii vacationing. So people have been really nice about calling me. And that's really important. It really feels good to have people call you. That's the way they can most get a hold of me and make it the most meaningful. I like getting cards and letters and that sort of thing too. But being - people calling me is the most important. I've found that a couple of people here that I would call friends now. And I eat dinner with them three times a day, so, that's really nice. I know those people and other people too. So, yeah, it's important.
LORA: (laughs) Yeah, I am so thrilled that I did the whole process because I have no problems in my, what you'd call golden years. And it's just expanded what I can do. I can go for a seven-day hike with my family if I feel like it. I can even pack stuff. I will say that my younger children pack as much as I do but that's another story. They're very strong. (laughs) I'm going to say no more about my child labor help here. (laughs).
JOAN: So I think I can't emphasize enough the importance of the foundations that Katy has given us in the alignment and in the sort of exercise movements, the nutritious movement. All of that has just been really really valuable. And now one of Katy's RES (Restorative Exercise Specialists) Nancy Burns, who has created an online class for strength building for older adults. So it's building up core strength. It's building up upper body strength. It's building up glute strength, which is particularly helpful for me as I'm getting ready to hike. Vernal Falls has 600 granite steps to climb, so (laughs) it's really important to build up that backside. But anyway, yeah, so that's, that is, it's very cool to see the integration of Katy's work, of course, and then to be able to take that a step further.
JOYCE: I am very ... a sense of deep deep joy that the so-called, we call it movement, that my teacher offers. I call it inner alignment. And he calls it that. He says we have a technology in our genes. We don't know how to use it. We don't understand the potential of the life we all have. And that we're all equal. There's no difference. There isn't someone who is a huge spiritual enlightened person. We all can become that. Because that's not what life is about. It's about realizing that deep life that is within us waiting to be born. Waiting to be blooming. So I call it a process because to me it is. It's an unfolding... I never know what's in front of me until I'm there. Ok? But then when I'm there is a unity in my consciousness where I'm more and more able to just be present with what's there, whether it's doing my asanas, kneading my body with those asanas instead of with hands and feeling that release in every cell of my body and feeling the opening of my consciousness at the same time. It's seamless. I think that's more like a process.
SHELAH: I think I've lost a lot of strength in my legs. Getting that back is important and I have a left hand that likes to just fall asleep. So I need to wake it up. And hopefully, the physical therapy will help with that. Because there's something back in my, I don't know exactly what it is but there's something back here that needs to be attended to. Yeah. My movement goal is to get back to where I was three years ago. That's my movement goal, yeah. It goes away so fast and it takes a long time to get it back.
LORA: I do hike on the river bottom which is still a challenge for me even though I've done it for many years. But, I want to keep doing that because it continues to be a challenge in some parts. The river bottom has water in it part of the year and well we'll leave the bugs out in case somebody else is thinking of trying it. But it's a challenge for me still and I enjoy the challenge. You have all kinds of terrain. You're going uphill, you're going downhill. You have to watch the rocks because they're sometimes wet and you don't want to slip on that. And I have slipped on that and this is definitely the wrong place to say this but I broke a wrist doing that. So because I tried to catch myself which I will never do again in the same way. So, let's see. Now that I've told you the worst of it, the best of it is you can stay nice and cool because your feet are nice and icy cold and you have a tree covering much of the way. And you meet interesting people on the way sometimes. And it's all good.
JOAN: Oh. There's such a great book out there. And what's cool about it is it's fun. There's stuff that's good for you, it's like ho-hum. But this is actually a fun book whether you listen to it or whether you read it. And it's called Big Magic. And it's written by Elizabeth Gilbert. Elizabeth Gilbert - she wrote Eat, Pray, Love. And she has, she is one of the most creative people I have ever encountered. And this book basically is about the magic of creativity. And that goes back, again, to the genuine curiosity. What is it I'd really like to do and what would that do for me? But she has such great stories in this. And so I think it's really appropriate, at any age, but particularly I've found it magical because it gave me the idea - the only thing that limits me is me. And so whatever I can do it in one form or another. Maybe not - maybe I'm not gonna go to the top of Mount Everest but then I don't really want to. But it's that whole thing of recognizing that oh, I'm what's limiting myself and opening up that space to consider unlimited possibilities. So yeah, that would be my recommendation.
JOYCE: At first I didn't think I would name a book and then I realized yeah! It's called The Inner Engineering and it's by Sadhguru. I took his inner engineering course and my life has not been the same. He says that's the owner's manual to the human being. And he said, you have your iPhone, you have your iPad, you know how to use those and if you don't know how to use them then you get frustrated. And he says inside the technology we have is huge compared to the iPhone. Just huge. And so he revamps our whole culture. Education no longer is a matter of memory because you've got that iPhone. It holds all the *bleep* memory so why do you need to memorize anything. And he fought tooth and nail with his parents. And he refused to go to school because he said, "I had so many questions. And nobody was answering my questions." And to me, that speaks deeply to me. Maybe just because I'm a rebel. I don't know.
SHELAH: I've never been a big reader. I like to read. I like books. But I usually do things with my hands. I'm knitting or crocheting or something. Which also I miss terribly because I can only do a short period of time before my hand falls asleep. I can't say any book in particular. I'm kind of limited here to what I can read - whatever I can find on the kindle is what I read. They do have a lot of books around here. But somehow paper books are a little harder for me to maneuver so I prefer to read books on my kindle.
JOAN: So, I would say listen to your body and honor and respect what it's telling you. It's so interesting. Certainly, we want to keep moving. But I think by listening, fully, what has happened is, I move constantly and I'm always aware of my body, just because of my training with Katy. Because I'm always checking where my chin is, where my ribs are, all of that stuff. But it's listening. For example, as a coach, I spend a lot of time sitting. In telephone conversations or on Zoom with people. And I notice that after an hour of coaching session, my body is saying, "You need to get up and move. I don't like being in this space, you know, where I can't move. Where I'm restricted." So it's that but it's also listening to when your body is in pain. Or when something doesn't agree with what you're doing. To take a look and don't just push through it. You know, no pain, no gain. That's never been the philosophy that Katy has given to us. And I totally agree, but it's really - really listen. Pay attention. And you know, you don't have to succumb to every ache and pain, but knowing that it's there and knowing when your body needs movement I think is the best way to live a long healthy life. (laughs) You know I think really kudos to Katy for what she's created. You know? It's an amazing, amazing program that she provides. And I'm still on the virtual studio. I still maintain my 90 hours of continuing education so that I can remain certified. Because I really believe in what she does, what she's taught us. And I absolutely - it's a partnership. I have to do it. But doing it - it has paid off for me big time. I'm in better shape now than I was at 71. And that's saying something. You know what also? It's like good wine. Fine wine, right? I'm getting better with age. Whoever does that?
JOYCE: I guess listen, honor in your life. Allow your life to be your teacher. Wherever it needs to take you it can make no mistake. It must be perfect for you. You've been given this life and all of living takes movement, so being alive means you are following all of the millions gazillions of movements within your life with curiosity. With intent. With happiness. With joy. With gratitude. And using the anger (laughs), the resentment, the pain, suffering... using that as - forgive the word - but as manure. We can turn that into manure. And from that manure will come the light that's within that darkness. It's covered over but the light is never separated from darkness. So pain, suffering, it's all a gift if we can see it that way - as a gift of the most valuable movement within us. The transformation of our hearts. What more do we need? And that the body is not going to say yes. We have to be adamant with our bodies. We have to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that movement is an essential, no argument part of our lives. Otherwise, we can't be alive. You think of it: every part of our circulation - our organs, our mind, our auras, are vibrating with movement. Whether it's magnetic or whether it's energy. We are movement. Yeah?
SHELAH: Keep moving to the best of your ability. And if you have trouble moving be kind to yourself and keep working on it. Keep moving. That's it. Yeah. Move it or lose it, yes. I try to do a mile with my walker every day. And it depends on how I'm feeling and everything - and whether my phone is working. It only works in my pocket to take my miles. It doesn't take my miles off my walker. I don't understand that. Anyway. (laughs). I walk as much as I can. My caregivers encourage me which I really appreciate too. Being encouraged is important. Left to my own devices I'd take my heating pad, put it on my belly that hurts, curl up in bed and just stay there. I might get hungry and then have to get up. But, you know. Anyway. I don't do that.
LORA: To wherever you are, make the most of your movement possibility. For example, I'm sitting on a ball as I'm speaking to you. And I'm moving my hips back and forth. And it not only feels good, it is exercising - I'm doing circles, I'm doing squares, I'm doing triangles as I'm talking to you. And it seems like that's the way I get a lot of my movement. Not sitting on balls, but utilizing somewhere that I am. Whether it's moving my toes, my feet, my whatever. I try to make the best of every opportunity. It feels right and, for example, I'm sitting on a ball right now and it just feels luscious to be able to move my back in a way that it's straighter and gets exercise too. Don't just jump right into it and walk 10 miles. I guess I'm saying to honor yourself by taking realistic steps initially.
So I have found these stories all moving, if you’ll forgive me, and I hope you did as well. If you haven’t read Dynamic Aging yet or if you have someone in your life you would like to gift a copy to, you can find or request it anywhere books are available. So that's your local bookstore or your library or online. It's also available as an e-book. And you can find it anywhere e-books are sold. So that includes Amazon for your Kindle, and also your library, or you can find both paperback and the ebook at in our bookstore.
So that is all for this show, friends. Until then, listen to your elders. It’s like a gift from your future. And no, that’s not a riddle - just think about it.
Hi. My name is Kirsty from Scotland. This has been Move Your DNA with Katy Bowman, a podcast about movement. Hopefully, you will find the information in this podcast informative and helpful. But it's not intended to replace medical advice and should not be used as such. Our theme music was performed by Dan MacCormack (a real Scotsman). This podcast is produced by Brock Armstrong (maybe an astronaut), and the transcripts are done by Annette Yen (hmm). Find out more about Katy, her books, and her movement programs at
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