How do I answer 50 emails asking the same question? With a video blog, baby, that's how.
Here are the top sellers of the Aligned and Well DVD line: "Down There" for Women, Biomechanics for Bad Backs, and Knees and Hips. Really. Eighty percent of the people you know are dealing with at least one, if not all three, of these issues.
The common theme of all of these ailments is this:
Not only are people walking around with non-straight (and non-innervated) feet, they are also walking around with non-active deep hip musculature. These deep hip muscles not only affect the tone of the piriformis (that muscle that often tenses up and causes radiating sciatic pain), but also the pelvic floor. Wellness requires full-body participation. The muscles in the pelvic girdle not only literally support your organs, they also support organ function, sacral stabilization, and...KNEE HEALTH. If your knees rub, bang, burn, scrape, or slough against each other while walking, experiencing pelvic floor issues, or if you are having lower back or hip pain, check out my second ever Quick Tip Video Blog and see if you not only end up smarter, but better...all around. All around the thighs, that is!
If you were one who emailed me about their (or their husband's or kid's or dog's) knees, would you be so kind to leave a comment saying Thanks, I get it now!, or You look great Four Months Pregnant, or something like that. You'd be surprised at how many emails I answer, fully, and never hear anything back. I have a life you know.
Ok, I don't really have that much of a life, but I do have technical difficulties with my email sometimes 🙂
Test, Test. Is this thing on?????